About us

Baby name plates was the idea of Natasha, one of the directors of Net Plates. Natasha's close friend had wanted a baby for a very long time and had decided on a boy and girl name before she had even started to try for a baby. Unfortunately her friend had trouble conceiving and after a number of years, when her friend had nearly given up hope of ever having a baby, she found out that she was expecting.

Due to everything her friend had been through, Natasha wanted to give her a special, unique gift that her friend could treasure forever. However, when she went searching for the perfect gift, all she found were the same mass-produced products. Natasha knew how important the name of the baby was to her friend and decided a showplate would make the perfect gift for her where her friend could have the baby's name, weight, place of birth and time of birth for the baby that had come at such a surprise. Natasha discussed the making of the showplate with a member of the Netplates team and had it made “in house” at NetPlates. The gift went down so well, that other family and friends started to request a showplate for their new babies and children and a new business idea was formed.